Fields in this window

Currency Information window - Currency Profile view

Currency Code

Enter a three-character code to identify the currency whose record you're entering. We recommend that you use a code you'll be able to identify easily when you work with the currency in the future. For example, you might enter "GBP" if you were creating a currency record for Great Britain Pounds.

Currency Name

Enter a descriptive name for the currency whose record you're entering. For example, you might enter "New Zealand dollars" or "Costa Rican colones."

Exchange Rate

Enter the current exchange rate being offered by your bank when you exchange your local currency for this currency. For example if you're creating a record for British pounds and you receive ᆪ1.50 for each dollar you exchange, enter 1.5 in this field.

[Currency Code] [Currency Symbol] 1.00 Equals

This field displays the value one unit of the selected currency has inU.S. dollars, based on the exchange rate you entered.

USD (Local) $1.00 Equals

This field displays the value of one U.S. dollar in the selected currency, based on the exchange rate you entered.

Currency Symbol

Enter the symbol you want to use to represent this currency. For example, you might enter ᆪ for British Pounds or A$ for Australian Dollars. The symbol you enter here will appear throughout MYOB AccountEdge and on printed reports whenever transactions in this currency are displayed.

Position of Currency Symbol

Use this field to determine whether the symbol you've entered for this currency will appear before or after monetary amounts. For example, choose Before Number if you want amounts to appear like this: $500. Choose After Number if you want amounts to appear like this: 500$.

Negative Number Format

Choose the method you want to use for displaying negative monetary amounts in this currency. Your choices include Parentheses, Before Currency Symbol, Before Number, After Currency Symbol and After Number.

Decimal Symbol

Enter the character that will be used to mark the decimal place in monetary amounts in this currency. Decimal places commonly are marked by a period or a comma.

Display Leading Zeros

Mark this option if you want fractional amounts to display a zero in front of the of the decimal marker. For example, if this option is marked, an entry for fifty cents will appear as $0.50. If this option is unmarked, the amount will appear as $.50.

Number of Digits after Decimal

This field displays the number of digits that appear after the decimal. This number cannot be changed; it is for your information only.

Digit Grouping Symbol

Enter the symbol you want to use to separate groups of digits in very large monetary amounts for this currency. A comma (,) typically is used for dollars, but any nonnumeric character can be used.

Number of Digits in Group

Enter the number of digits that appear between digit grouping symbols for this currency. For dollars, three digits typically are used, but you can use up to nine digits if you like.

Positive Amount

This field displays a example of how positive amounts will be displayed if you choose to use the options currently selected in the Currency Profile view.

Negative Amount

This field displays a example of how negative amounts will be displayed if you choose to use the options currently selected in the Currency Profile view.

New button

Click this button to open a new Currency Information window and set up new currency records

OK button

Click this button to accept the entries youíve made in this window.

Fields in the Currency Information window - Currency Profile view